Managing user permissions

A user gets his permissions directly or from one of the auth Groups he is a member of

Setting permissions

import grainy.const

# literal namespace with integer permission flag
user.grainy_permissions.add_permission("a.b.c", grainy.const.READ)

# literal namespace with string permission flag
user.grainy_permissions.add_permission("a.b.c", "r")

# same for groups
group.grainy_permissions.add_permission("a.b.c", "r")

Setting permissions in bulk

import grainy.const
import grainy.core

# set from PermissionSet instance
        "a.b.c" : grainy.const.PERM_READ

# set from dict (allows string permissions)
        "a.b.c" : "r"

Checking permissions

import grainy.const
from django_grainy.util import Permissions

        "a.b.c" : "r"

# we use the Permissions() wrapper as that allows
# us to do repeated permission checks for a user or group
# without having requery permissions for each check

perms = Permissions(user)

perms.check("a.b.c", grainy.const.PERM_READ) #True
perms.check("a.b.c.d", grainy.const.PERM_READ) #True
perms.check("a.b.c.d", grainy.const.PERM_READ | grainy.const.PERM_UPDATE) #False
perms.check("z.y.x", grainy.const.PERM_READ) #False
perms.check("a.b.c", "r") # True
perms.check("a.b.c.d", "r") # True
perms.check("a.b.c.d", "ru") # False
perms.check("x.y.z", "r") # False

# The `explicit` option allows us to require that excplicit
# permissions need to exist for a check to succeed, meaning
# having permissions to `a.b.c` will not grant permissions
# to `a.b.c.d` if `explicit`=True
perms.check("a.b.c.d", "r", explicit=True) # False

Custom permission holders

Sometimes you want something else than a user or group model to hold permissions - an APIkey implementation for example

from django.db import modelsi
from django_grainy.models import GrainyMixin, Permission, PermissionManager

class APIKey(models.Model):
    key = models.CharField(max_length=255)

class APIKeyPermission(Permission):
    # The `grainy_permissions` related name is important
    # so that we can pass instances of this model to
    # util.Permissions
    api_key = models.ForeignKey(APIKey, related_name="grainy_permissions", on_delete=models.CASCADE)

    # use the augmented object manager for permission handling
    objects = PermissionManager()

from django_grainy.util import Permissions

api_key = APIKey.objects.create(key="test")
api_key.grainy_permissions.add_permission("a.b.c", "r")

perms = Permissions(api_key)
assert api_key.check("a.b.c", "r")

Grainy Models

A django model can be initialized for grainy permissions using the grainy_model decorator.

from django.db import models
from grainy.decorators import grainy_model

# initialize grainy permissions for a model
# with automatic namespacing
class TestModelA(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=255)

# initialize grainy permissions for a model
# with manual namespacing
class TestModelB(models.Model)
    name = models.CharField(max_length=255)

# initialize grainy permissions for a model
# with manual namespacing for both class
# and instance namespace
    # we want the same base namespace as model b

    # when checking against instances we want to
    # nest inside b
    namespace_instance = u"{namespace}.{}.b.{}"
class TestModelC(models.Model):
    b = models.ForeignKey(TestModelB)

Afterwards the model can be used directly to set or check permissions to it

from django_grainy.util import Permissions

# give user full permissions to model (any instance)
user.grainy_permissions.add(TestModelA, "crud")

# give user full permissions to a specific instance
instance = TestModelA.objects.get(id=1)
user.grainy_permissions.add(instance, "crud")

# check user permission on model class
perms = Permissions(user)
perms.check(TestModelA, "r") # True

# check user permission on instance
perms.check(instance, "r") # True

# check permissions to the name field
perms.check( (instance, "name"), "r")

# return all instances of the model according to permissions
instances = perms.instances(TestModelA, "r")

# this could also take a queryset
instances = perms.instances(TestModelA.objects.filter(id__gt=10), "r")

In the grainy_model decorator you can also specify if you want grainy to treat the model as a child of another grainy model by using the parent parameter.

This allows you to quickly chain namespaces with the child getting it's namespace prefixed with the parent's namespace

# starting with 1.7 you can also use the `parent` argument
# to quickly setup namespace inheritance for models

class ModelX(ModelA):

# We set parent to `x`, to indicate that we want to inherit
# the namespacing from there. It needs to point to ForeignKey or OneToOne
# field on the model that points to a model that is also grainy (ModelX
# in this example)
# ModelY will end up with the following instance namespace:
# "x.{}.custom.{pk}"
@grainy_model(namespace="custom", parent="x")
class ModelY(ModelA):
    # field name == grainy `parent` value
    x = models.ForeignKey(ModelX, related_name="y", on_delete=models.CASCADE)

# ModelZ will end up with the following instance namespace:
# "x.{}.custom.{}.z.{pk}"
@grainy_model(namespace="z", parent="y")
class ModelZ(ModelA):
    # field name == grainy `parent` value
    y = models.ForeignKey(ModelY, related_name="z", on_delete=models.CASCADE)

Grainy views

A django view can be initialized for grainy permissions using the grainy_view decorator.

When a view is made grainy it will automatically check for apropriate permissions to the specified namespace depending on the request method.

from django_grainy.decorators import grainy_view
from django.views import View as BaseView

# grainy function view
def view(request):
    return HttpResponse()

# grainy class view
class View(BaseView):

    # will check for READ perms to "a.b.c", otherwise fails with 403
    def get(self, request):
        return HttpResonse()

    # will check for CREATE perms to "a.b.c", otherwise fails with 403
    def post(self, request):
        return HttpResponse()

    # will check for UPDATE perms to "a.b.c", otherwise fails with 403
    def put(self, request):
        return HttpResponse()

    # will check for UPDATE perms to "a.b.c", otherwise fails with 403
    def patch(self, request):
        return HttpResponse()

    # will check for DELETE perms to "a.b.c", otherwise fails with 403
    def delete(self, request):
        return HttpResponse()

# grainy view with formatted namespace
def detail_view(request, id):
    return HttpResponse()

# you can also pass through flags for permissions checks
    # require that the user has explicitly set permissions for the namespace
    # ignore the user's superuser priviledges
def detail_view(request, id):
    return HttpResponse()

Manually decorate view response handlers

The grainy_view decorator simply calls the apropriate response decorator on all the response handlers in the view.

It follows that

from django.views import BaseView
from django_grainy.decorators import grainy_view

# grainy class view
class View(BaseView):

    # will check for READ perms to "a.b.c", otherwise fails with 403
    def get(self, request):
        return HttpResonse()

    # will check for CREATE perms to "a.b.c", otherwise fails with 403
    def post(self, request):
        return HttpResponse()

    # will check for UPDATE perms to "a.b.c", otherwise fails with 403
    def put(self, request):
        return HttpResponse()

    # will check for UPDATE perms to "a.b.c", otherwise fails with 403
    def patch(self, request):
        return HttpResponse()

    # will check for DELETE perms to "a.b.c", otherwise fails with 403
    def delete(self, request):
        return HttpResponse()

is the same as

from django.views import BaseView
from django_grainy.decorators import grainy_view_response

# grainy class view
class View(BaseView):

    # will check for READ perms to "a.b.c", otherwise fails with 403
    def get(self, request):
        return HttpResonse()

    # will check for CREATE perms to "a.b.c", otherwise fails with 403
    def post(self, request):
        return HttpResponse()

    # will check for UPDATE perms to "a.b.c", otherwise fails with 403
    def put(self, request):
        return HttpResponse()

    # will check for UPDATE perms to "a.b.c", otherwise fails with 403
    def patch(self, request):
        return HttpResponse()

    # will check for DELETE perms to "a.b.c", otherwise fails with 403
    def delete(self, request):
        return HttpResponse()

You may also use both decorators

from django.views import BaseView
from django_grainy.decorators import grainy_view, grainy_view_response

# grainy class view
class View(BaseView):

    # will check for READ perms to "a.b.c", otherwise fails with 403
    def get(self, request):
        return HttpResonse()

    # will check for CREATE perms to "x.y.z", otherwise fails with 403
    def post(self, request):
        return HttpResponse()

    # will check for UPDATE perms to "a.b.c", otherwise fails with 403
    def put(self, request):
        return HttpResponse()

    # will check for UPDATE perms to "a.b.c", otherwise fails with 403
    def patch(self, request):
        return HttpResponse()

    # will check for DELETE perms to "a.b.c", otherwise fails with 403
    def delete(self, request):
        return HttpResponse()

Rest Framework Integration

Use the grainy_rest_viewset decorator to apply grainy permissions to the output of a django_rest_framework ViewSet. This means any content that the user does not have permission to view will be dropped from the api response.

from rest_framework import serializers
from django_grainy.decorators import grainy_rest_viewset
from .models import TestModelA

# A serializer to test with
class ModelASerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):

    # to test applying of permissions in nested data
    nested_dict = serializers.SerializerMethodField(required=False)

    class Meta:
        model = TestModelA
        fields = ('name',"id", "nested_dict")

    def get_nested_dict(self, obj):
        return {
            "secret" : {
                "hidden" : "data"
            "something" : "public"

    namespace = "api.a",
    handlers = {
        # with application handlers we can tell grainy that this
        # namespace needs to have explicit permissions in order
        # to be accessed
        "nested_dict.secret" : { "explicit" : True }
class ModelAViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    queryset = TestModelA.objects.all()
    serializer_class = ModelASerializer

A user with READ permissions to api.a accessing this rest viewset would get this response

[{"name":"Test model 1","id":1,"nested_dict":{"something":"public"}}]

While a user with READ permissions to api.a and READ permissions to api.a.*.nested_dict.secret would get this response

[{"name":"Test model 1","id":1,"nested_dict":{"secret":{"hidden":"data"},"something":"public"}}]

Remote permission provider

This functionality is still a work in progress and subject to change.

Here is a quick and dirty example on how to set up a django project to be a remote grainy permission provider for another django project.


Set up the grainy endpoints on the grainy permission provider instance

from django_grainy.remote import ProvideGet, ProvideLoad, Authenticator

class GrainyRequestAuthenticator(Authenticator):
    def authenticate(self, request):
        # pseudo-code for handling a token authentication

urlpatterns += [
    # grainy
    path("grainy/get/<str:namespace>/", ProvideGet.as_view(authenticator_cls=GrainyRequestAuthenticator), name="grainy-get"),
    path("grainy/load/", ProvideLoad.as_view(authenticator_cls=GrainyRequestAuthenticator), name="grainy-load"),

For the sake of this example it is assumed that the provider instance runs at localhost:8000


In order to correctly setup authentication from the receiver django instance the provider django instance you will want to implement an authentication protocol. In this example we go with a straight forward token authentication. Note that the actual authentication logic is omitted as that is not really in the scope of this example.

from django.conf import settings
import django_grainy.remote

class RemotePermissions(django_grainy.remote.Permissions):

    def __init__(self, obj):

    def prepare_request(self, params, headers):
            key = self.obj.key_set.first().key
            headers.update(Authorization=f"token {key}")
        except AttributeError:

Then use it like you would the normal Permissions util

perms = RemotePermissions(user)
perms.check("a.b.c", PREAM_READ)